For foodies out there, what couldn’t be more exciting than tasting a cuisine from a different culture?


Davao is a melting pot of many cultures – our Indigenous Peoples, the Muslim communities, and foreigners are living in just one city. As Davaoeños, we all had experienced savouring the delicacies from these different groups.


During a casual stroll at Abreeza Mall in the afternoon of May 5th, it turned out that the 3rd Philippine Halal Trade and Tourism Expo was taking place. The event started on May 1st and ended on May 6th. Its theme is “Focus Integration on Philippine Halal Trade and Tourism toward Global Market.


The colourful and intricately designed activity area was made lively with breath-taking performances from the Kalumon Performing Ensemble. Plus, the presence of stalls showcasing different travel agencies, hotels, and businesses selling Qur’an, bags and malong adds up to the vibe.


And of course, a cultural trade expo won’t be complete without highlighting the food exhibitors.


Ready to know about halal and see some treats featured from the expo? Scroll down to learn more!


Food and Lifestyle: Applying the Principles of Halal


Whenever the word halal is mentioned, many people would immediately associate with food. However, as I stayed throughout the event for that day, I learned that halal is a lifestyle. According to the host, halal encompasses the Islamic traditions and principles. It prompts to have a sense of morality in what they eat or do.


According to the Universal Islamic Center (UIC) president and Halal spokesperson Marilou Ampuan, the expo for this year aim to incorporate the concepts and principles of Halal about trade and tourism for both Muslims and non-Muslims.


Food stalls predominantly feature Mindanawon and Indonesian treats. Historically, Mindanao and Indonesia shared a profound and lasting relationship which far precedes our country’s colonial period. Moreover, in my perspective, the halal principle is a factor that strengthens our ties with our neighbouring states.


So let’s dine into some of the tasty snacks I tried from the activity.


Three Treats from the Philippine Halal Expo


In a trade expo with food stalls, free taste samples are always present. I took advantage of the free samples and brought some treats too.


Now, here are some of the food I ate from the expo:


MS3 75% Dark Chocolate


This locally produced chocolate is indeed an excellent snack for chocolate lovers like me. It has a slightly coarse texture and a mild aroma. But, for a 75% dark chocolate, it doesn’t have any sharp bitterness to its taste. What’s more, there’s a hint of a coconut oil’s scent that brings back memories of my childhood involving afternoon biko snack times.


Sample Fruit-based Chili Dips


Trade expos are excellent places to showcase new products. Patchoo’s Chili Ginger Products has an orange and mango-based chilli dips which sparked my curiosity. I don’t usually try spicy food, but for this case, I made an exception.


I got a regular fish cracker and dipped it first in the mango chilli paste. I was surprised that there’s no hint of tanginess present in mangoes. Instead, it’s just the ripe mangoes’ sweetness blended perfectly to the chilli paste.


I also tried the orange-based chilli sauce. What was retained from the orange extract is its sweet, zesty taste that’s further emphasised by the spicy paste.


Lemper Ayam


One thing I have noticed from the Indonesian snack I encountered in the expo is that they have some similarities with Filipino delicacies. For example, the Lemper Ayam is the same with our local suman. The chicken floss is stuffed inside the glutinous rice.


There are other Indonesian foods such as Onde-onde, Peyek Kacang Tanah, Kripik Pisang.


Enlivening the Davao Food Scene through Trade Expo


Experiencing the Philippine Halal Trade Expo is a great way to understand the Islamic culture and principles. Fun and engaging, the entire activity helps boost trade relations with other countries. Locals and tourists can get a glimpse of different cultures through a showcase of food, textiles, services, and even dance performances.


What’s more, for businesses, it’s a smart idea to partake in this type of activity because they can quickly reach out to potential clients and even build their customer database.




All set for Halal trade, tourism expo,


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Marketing Media Cloud Content Marketing Writer - Nieruby Diaz


If you are looking for a bubbly and all-in-one flexible gymnast writer, Nieruby Diaz can be your best bet. Apart from flexing her muscles on the ropes, she magnanimously expresses her written thoughts to the industry needs and various customer experiences. She is well deserved and loved by the team for this purpose.